We pride ourselves on professionally guided fly fishing experience
Smallmouth Bass
These fish rock! Topwater eats, high flying jumps and all around power make smallmouth bass an ideal quarry for the fly rod. These fish are the reason I started fly fishing. Smallmouth bass hide in the shadows of logs, rocks and over handing branches. They require accurate casts and proper fly action to trigger bites, but the pay off is well worth the effort. We use a variety of flies to imitate the smallmouth’s vast diet of minnows, crayfish, frogs and aquatic insects. Peferred gear for smallmouth bass are 6-8wt fly rods with floating and intermediate fly lines.
Musky fishing is the reason I get up in the morning and what keeps me awake at night. These ghostly ambush predators will give any veteran angler a run for their money. These fish are often referred to as the fish of 10,000 casts; in other words, muskies don’t come easy. Musky are at the top of the Northwoods food chain. Feeding on midsized fish, small mammals, ducklings, and any thing else that crosses their path. Musky require 9-12wt fly rods paired with intermediate and sinking fly lines.